Thursday, July 3, 2008

Off Campus Living

If you plan to live off campus, (and bike or walk to studio) ,the closest neighbourhoods live in are Homepark , Atlantic Station (both north of 10th street) ,Centennial Place (south of north avenue) and Midtown(east of I-85)
 For those looking to live frugal style, Homepark would be it (thats where I, Chris Neoh , Jeff, Ted and Indushree live ) 
If you can afford to pay something more than that (and/or you need more space or better space),the other three places would have houses for you.(Gabe Landes has lived in midtown, and Dale Kim in Atlantic station).
So if you guys have questions about living here, you know whom to talk to. :) (you should have recieved an invitation to view the google document with MID contacts in it, if me,  sreikanth at gmail dot com)
 One of the ways to search for an apartment (apart from the usual websites) are these two new websites that mashup craigslist apartment listings with google maps, allowing you to locate and look at apartments on the street level (yay google street view!). This would be particularly helpful for international students who are yet to land here and have to look for spaces without having personal transportation.

Here are the links
and If you know of other time-saving ways/strategies of searching for an awesome apartment, post it up here :)   

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